St. Ursula and St. Vincent

We like to visit the smaller churches as well as the cathedrals.  We've walked by St. Ursula lots of times, but yesterday was the first we've found it open.

It's just inside the Torres de Quart, one of the two sets of towers that guard the old city.  This is how the towers look from the square in front of St. Ursula.

And this is the rather unimpressive front of the church.

Near the entrance there was a little shrine setup outdoors.

Like many of these smaller churches, the inside is more impressive.

I found this interesting tile image, but I have no idea what it means.  I wish I had a symbol dictionary so I could understand these strange images.

And here's an image I keep running into in Valencia.  The angel or saint holding a fish.  I think it's Raphael, the archangel, but I'm not positive.

We also found St. Vincent's open.

Ok, I assume you're tired of all those churches, and would like a breath of fresh air.  So, what about those famous Valencia oranges?

Orange trees are everywhere here, and the region of Valencia is a major producer of oranges, but no one touches the ones growing here in the city.  Our guide told us they were brought here originally by the Moors, and in the city they are decorative, but very very sour.

Oranges are in season here now, and the orange juice in the cafes and restaurants is fantastic, just not made from the oranges in the city.

One last thing.  The hardest thing about going to the market is having no feel for the metric system.  Everything is in kilos.  But, we've been buying lots of delicious tangerines, and turns out a kilo is about a dozen smallish tangerines.

Poco a poco, as they say here.  Little by little.

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