St. Nicholas Church

Mary attended mass at St. Nicholas Church, which has been recently renovated and restored.  

It's not a cathedral or basilica or anything like that.  Just a relatively small church, unassuming from outside.

From the inside it's much more impressive.

I think these are St. Peter and St. Nicholas.

And the two again in the stained glass above the altar.

The chubby angels from an earlier post are also from St. Nicholas church.

I love them, but the next is a favorite.  What's with the huge fish?

Well, since there was no sign posting a story, I'll make up my own.  This is an ancient version of my Uncle Bill being taught by an angel how to catch fish anytime and anywhere.

Finally, here's what I heard as I hurried to return to the church after mass.


Unknown said...

Nice story about Uncle Bill. And then Uncle Bill taught all of us how to fish.

I wonder if it's a fish as a symbol of Christianity. Or a fish from the loaves and fishes. Seems like a more significant story though by it's placement. Maybe you can take some type of an art hisory class in Valencia to help you understand all the symbols in the art.

Gary said...

All these symbols make me want to reread "Man and His Symbols". It's based on a lot of Jung's work--just in an easier to understand version.