Our Neighborhood

We live in a mostly residential neighborhood with lots of first-floor shops, as is typical for the parts of Spain we've visited.  We have plenty of neighbors, of course, including this one getting a little fresh air.

Unlike some of his cousins, he's quiet as a mouse.

We're pretty well settled in now, and know our way around most of the time.  Here are some of the places in our neighborhood.  (Wasn't that a Sesame Street song?)

Our supermarket.

Our market market, the one with all the fresh food.

Here's what we brought home from one trip to the market.

Minus the two beautiful perch filets that were already in the fridge.

One issue travelers often have is coffee.  People depend on their morning coffee, and changes are seldom welcome.  Our apartment has two coffee makers, and we had no idea how to use either until our housekeeper, Maria, gave us a lesson.  Now, I prefer the coffee we make right here in the apartment to any I've ever had.

When we get back to NY, the first thing I'm doing is ordering one of these little Italian coffee pots.  Our coffee is strong and smooth, never bitter.  I also like a few drops of anisette in mine, though Mary doesn't indulge.

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