Fallas -- Aftermath

When we went to bed last night, many parts of the city looked like this.

I'm so curious about how things will look today, after the crema.

And it's like Fallas was all a dream.  Where there were towers of flaming fallas, now the streets are clean and tidy.  The tide of tourists has ebbed.  The city's fever has broken, and things are returning to normal far faster than I would have imagined.

I remember how exciting it was to see huge sculptures take shape in familiar squares.  I was peeking around every corner looking for the latest crazy falla.  And now, if anything, it's even more surreal that all the craziness is gone, and there are not even ashes left in the street.  I feel a little bit sad about losing the fallas, especially certain favorites.

Here's the one I miss most.

It was so perfect by the towers.

Well, there's a kind of art that meant to transcend time, like the sphinx and the pyramids, and there's a kind of art that embraces impermanence.   This year must pass so there can be next year.

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