Map is working great Gary. Very cool.Once again, I am really enjoying your blog. However, this year I have not been able to 'Subscribe' so that I get an email when you add a new post. Is there a way to do this?
Seemed to work for me!
Great! I'm glad the maps work. I want to use them more. I'll look into the subscribe problems. Probably it's something I neglected to configure.
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Map is working great Gary. Very cool.
Once again, I am really enjoying your blog. However, this year I have not been able to 'Subscribe' so that I get an email when you add a new post. Is there a way to do this?
Seemed to work for me!
Great! I'm glad the maps work. I want to use them more. I'll look into the subscribe problems. Probably it's something I neglected to configure.
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